Monday, August 5, 2024

Fall Service and Fellowship Weekend

Woodie in Space August 9-11 2024

a cartoon of a woodchuck in a space suit

Space: the final frontier. These are the arrowmen of the Monaken Lodge. Its continuing mission: to perform cheerful service; to seek out brotherhood and fellowship; to boldly go where no one has gone before! Signup at

Come one and come all to the fall ordeal / service / and fellowship weekend. We are eneergized and ready to have a great weekend of service and fellowship. Service this weekend will help put camp to sleep for the winter so that we can continue to have great times at seven moutains.

This weekend's theme is space. We will have rocket launches, games, and a patch auction Saturday evening. Bring an empty 2 liter bottle (or a full one and empty it with your friends before Saturday Crackerbarrel).

Vigil members, please come out to support our two new candidates, Adin Behrens and David Eng.

Can't make the whole weekend, come out for Saturday evening or Sunday's board meeting

Coming up, bring am arrowman who hasn't been up for a while.

This weekend we will be voting on the Founder's Award for the youth and adult and also have lodge elections. Attached to this email is a link to sign up through council. Don't be late sign up now!

Registration is available at

Fast approaching is Woodchuck! Oct 18-20th Registration for woodchuck!

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